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Challenge & Crisis


Life’s difficulties begin at the heart of the individual. This is where we may go to glimpse the meaning of pain and struggle in each of our unique lifetimes.


An analysed self is one full of meaning, richness and power.


When we surrender ourselves to thought, word and feeling we can begin to unravel the strands of ourselves, strands which at times can have us too tightly bound.

Know Yourself... Stengthen Yourself

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We like to keep things hidden from ourselves and for good reason.


The world of ‘grownups’ has made many rules stating who we can and cannot be, how we should and should not feel.


As we begin to piece together the many conflicting parts of ourselves we can begin to feel whole, to feel steady and to feel prepared for new challenges ahead. Just as the infant learns every day to adapt, so can the adult.

Are you struggling to cope?


Many of us feel we are ‘not right' and we don’t know why.

  • Perhaps you suffer from anxiety, stress, sadness or depression?

  • Is there a problem in your relationship you would like to understand and deal with?

  • Perhaps it's family or friends who feel challenging?

  • Do you struggle with who you are, your identity, your image, your body, your sexuality, your culture, race, ethnicity, your heritage or your age?

  • Do you find it hard to get ahead at work?

  • Is there a way you behave that you would like to change?

  • Have you lost someone you love?

  • Are you bereft, separated, isolated?

  • Do you feel you’ve never been close enough to others?

  • Have you suffered a traumatic experience?

No matter what your personal struggle is, Counselling and Psychotherapy can help you to a greater mastery of yourself and relief from your symptoms.


With fresh insight, we gain power over the feelings that once held us hostage.

Need to talk?

Face-to-face & virtual sessions now available.

Staple Inn
7 Grays Inn Road
High Holborn



Tel: 07886 201402

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